I had the great opportunity to shoot the second season of a web series called, “Pretty Darn Funny” which follows Gracie Moore, a mom who gets more than she bargains for when she forms an all-female comedy troupe in efforts to clean up the local comedy scene. Season 2 launched with this [really, really] silly parody of “Footloose” from the point of view of under-appreciated moms.
The principal shoot day was really hot (back on June 8th). We didn’t have any lights for the production — just a 12×12 gold/silver checker bounce and a 6×6 unbleached muslin for bounce. We had my favorite CamMate jib operator, Glenn Fisk (because he’s the best), on hand to fly our camera around. We shot on two RED Epics capturing in 5K… because we could.
Here is a video I took of the opening shot to show my kids when I got home. Thought I’d share:
We were supposed to do the famous dancing-in-the-warehouse scene at the school parking lot but ran out of time and the talent ran out of energy so we decided to shoot it another day and to make it more elaborate than the original vision for this video. I’m glad we did because it turned out way funnier and better than what we would’ve shot at the end of that first shoot day. For that shoot, we didn’t use anything but available light and shot on two Canon 5Ds (a Mark II and a Mark III).
I think it turned out pretty darn funny… especially if you’re a mom over 40. ;)